0.54 ms (29.76%)
2 |
SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `app_config`
SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `app_config`;
0.34 ms (19.08%)
1 |
SELECT `system_config`.`id` as `system_config.id`, `system_config`.`configuration_key` as `system_config.configurationKey`, `system_config`.`configuration_value` as `system_config.configurationValue`, `system_config`.`sales_channel_id` as `system_config.salesChannelId`, `system_config`.`created_at` as `system_config.createdAt`, `system_config`.`updated_at` as `system_config.updatedAt` FROM `system_config` WHERE (IF(JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(`system_config`.`configuration_value`, '$._value')) != "NULL", CONVERT(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(`system_config`.`configuration_value`, '$._value')) USING "utf8mb4") COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci, NULL) = ?)
Parameters: [
SELECT `system_config`.`id` as `system_config.id`, `system_config`.`configuration_key` as `system_config.configurationKey`, `system_config`.`configuration_value` as `system_config.configurationValue`, `system_config`.`sales_channel_id` as `system_config.salesChannelId`, `system_config`.`created_at` as `system_config.createdAt`, `system_config`.`updated_at` as `system_config.updatedAt` FROM `system_config` WHERE (IF(JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(`system_config`.`configuration_value`, '$._value')) != "NULL", CONVERT(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(`system_config`.`configuration_value`, '$._value')) USING "utf8mb4") COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci, NULL) = 'ybEy2MgUYyioPzkVgryhtRPFJs0gYnxk');
0.32 ms (17.64%)
1 |
SELECT configuration_key, configuration_value FROM system_config WHERE sales_channel_id IS NULL ORDER BY sales_channel_id ASC
SELECT configuration_key, configuration_value FROM system_config WHERE sales_channel_id IS NULL ORDER BY sales_channel_id ASC;
0.17 ms (9.57%)
1 |
`base_class` AS baseClass,
IF(`active` = 1 AND `installed_at` IS NOT NULL, 1, 0) AS active,
`managed_by_composer` AS managedByComposer,
composer_name as composerName
FROM `plugin`
ORDER BY `installed_at`;
`base_class` AS baseClass,
IF(`active` = 1 AND `installed_at` IS NOT NULL, 1, 0) AS active,
`managed_by_composer` AS managedByComposer,
composer_name as composerName
FROM `plugin`
ORDER BY `installed_at`;;
0.13 ms (7.24%)
1 |
SELECT item_rounding FROM currency WHERE id = ?
Parameters: [
SELECT item_rounding FROM currency WHERE id = 0xB7D2554B0CE847CD82F3AC9BD1C0DFCA;
0.13 ms (7.07%)
1 |
SELECT custom_entity.name, custom_entity.fields, custom_entity.flags
FROM custom_entity
LEFT JOIN app ON app.id = custom_entity.app_id
WHERE (custom_entity.app_id IS NULL OR app.active = 1) AND custom_entity.deleted_at IS NULL;
SELECT custom_entity.name, custom_entity.fields, custom_entity.flags
FROM custom_entity
LEFT JOIN app ON app.id = custom_entity.app_id
WHERE (custom_entity.app_id IS NULL OR app.active = 1) AND custom_entity.deleted_at IS NULL;
0.11 ms (5.81%)
1 |
SELECT `name`, `path`, `author`
FROM `app`
WHERE `active` = 1
SELECT `name`, `path`, `author`
FROM `app`
WHERE `active` = 1
0.07 ms (3.82%)
1 |
SET @@group_concat_max_len = CAST(IF(@@group_concat_max_len > 320000, @@group_concat_max_len, 320000) AS UNSIGNED);SET sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''))
SET @@group_concat_max_len = CAST(IF(@@group_concat_max_len > 320000, @@group_concat_max_len, 320000) AS UNSIGNED);SET sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));